Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Edward Cullen:

Listen, we need to talk.

Yes, you're great and all, and just the most perfect guy out there, right?

I say nay.

Maybe, to Bella Swan, you're the best thing since sliced bread, and yes for a while, I thought you were too. But I got to thinking, would I really want my own Edward Cullen? Yes, you're protective, and that is a good thing. But over-protective? No, not so much. You play the piano, speak no lies, you're smart, have an amazing body, and quote Shakespeare. Perfect? Yes, perfect is completely overrated and boring. Don't worry, not everyone thinks like me Edward. For a lot of girls, you're just the ticket, exactly what they're looking for, but me, I like some imperfections.

You may be asking yourself, "Well LaToya, if I'm not what you want, then what is it?"
Well, funny you should ask, because I was going to tell you anyway. I don't want anything specific. I don't want some guy to come with a list of materials included, like a board game. I want someone who is so unexpected that he'll take my breath away. I want him to surprise me. I don't want someone that everyone else knows everything about.

Don't get me wrong, you've got some great qualities, but that's just it. You have it ALL. You have everything. Isn't that a little bit of a overload? Seems like some large shoes to fill if you ask me. You, you're kind of like our modern day Prince Charming. Yeah, he's...charming and all, but all together boring. He doesn't have any, hm, depth. He's very vanilla. I love vanilla, but sometimes it's nice to have chocolate once in a while.

I'm not saying you're a boring person, but man, you're hogging all the traits. You can't have it all? Why do you have it all? Is it really fair to have it all? No, it's not. Because you sir, are a trick. You're like an optical illusion.

Listen up Ed, you've fooled us all. You showed us that there is this guy out there who has all the goods, and in reality, it's all fake. Who knew that you, being a fictional character, could change so many perspectives of what a girl is looking for in a guy. But all these wonderful things that you are, too me, some of them certainly seem like downfalls. Such as, you drive 200 mph. Yes, I like to go fast, but, 200 mph is a little bit too much for me. And as much as I love a bad boy, that's a little to scary for me. You're incredibly wealthy. Yeah, it is certainly good to have money, but I mean, come on, work for a living? No, you just have money. Where's the lesson in that? You get jealous of the "guy friends". Hey now, that's an issue, because I have many many MANY guy friends. And truth be told, some of my best friends are guys. Sorry. I also find it a little strange that you have the ability to sneak into my room in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping, just to watch me sleep. I think that's a little creepy and stalker like. Hate to break it to you, but you have some stalker-like tendencies. You would follow me everywhere just so you can keep an eye out on me. I like my privacy, thanks.

I really do hate to hate on you, but I'm sorry, you're just not the one for me. Yes, you're great to look at and you care and you're committed, but Edward, I want some of the unexpected. I want some definition, and no, not just in your abs. I like not knowing a person completely, isn't that what love is about? Always finding out something incredible about some person just to (hopefully) fall more in love with them? To me, perfect is not your kind of perfect. Perfect to me is imperfection. You'll go on without me, as I will go on without you. Things are just better this way, I promise. It's just impossible for me to be with someone who is utterly perfect, and most importantly, someone who doesn't exist.

Yours Truly,

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