Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Sky's the Limit

November 17 at 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM the next morning is the Leonid Meteor Shower...and I really really want to watch it.

I figure, Flagstaff is pretty much one of the best places to watch a meteor shower, and lookie there, I live here. And since Flagstaff is a "dark sky" city, that means, it's super easy to see the stars and sky at night. Plus, it'll be a new moon on November 16, which calls for even darker skies. Do I really want to stay out all night on a Tuesday/Wednesday? Of course I do. Yay for Earth going through the 1466 stream again.

I love the night sky and everything in it. The stars, the moon, space, mystery, Vulcans, etc. Everything about it intrigues me. I should've gone to college to be an astronaut. Want to here a secret? It's actually been a huge dream of mine to be an astronaut, I just don't know if that's something that I could possibly accomplish. Being an astronaut involves so much physics, math and engineering. It also involves biological sciences, which I'm doing I'd have one thing checked off my list.

The sky is the limit, yes? At least that's what we all say. And truthfully, maybe it is. Maybe we as humans, don't have any limits, because when was the last time you knew that the sky just, stopped, had a limit, a stopping point? It doesn't. It keeps going. On and on and on. For eons, literally. Would I be crazy if I even attempted to live this crazy dream of mine?

There is this guy who is taking off a year of his life, just to fulfill his drive around the world. Well, you and I both know that it's impossible to drive all around the world, but that doesn't stop him. He plans on shipping his Toyota Land Cruiser across the great seas of the world and drive on any land he finds. His budget: $46,000. That's a big and very expensive dream. But all in all, it's a dream, and he plans to fulfill it, no matter how much or how long it takes, he's going to do it.

I'm not saying we should all come up with the most radical crazy dreams and make them come true, but we should all find something in life to push ourselves to. When he pulls into his driveway after his long trip, what he will have will be the feeling of accomplishment. We all know what accomplishment feels like, it feels good. You feel empowered and unstoppable. Everyone, should have a dream to accomplish. Whether it's something minute, like marrying the girl of your dreams, or something even bigger, like wearing that NASA name-tag, it should matter to you. Dream the biggest dream possible, and don't let anything get in your way.

I have a dream to be an anatomy teacher. But I also have a bigger dream. And I think, that after a lot of thought, hard work and integrity, I'm going to make my dream come true. Are you?

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